A wonderful group of finely carved and gilded wooden architectural pieces with attractive gilded patina compliment the sculptural forms. Mainly fragments from old household and temple shrines and altars, the collection displays the exquisite carving skills and the high degree of sophistication of the carvers as they played with decorative motifs such as dragons, leaves and flames.
We look forward to welcoming you to the newly renovated gallery to see the Buddhist sculpture currently on view. |
 From top, left to right: A Burmese alabaster seated Buddha, Shan, 18th C. & a Burmese gilt wooden temple carving, 19th C.; A Burmese alabaster standing Buddha (L) & a Burmese gilt wooden standing Buddha (R), Mandalay, 19th C.; A Burmese alabaster reclining Buddha, Mandalay, 19th C.; A Burmese alabaster seated Buddha, Shan, 18th C.; A Burmese bronze seated Buddha, Mandalay, 19th C.; A Burmese gilt wooden temple carving of a bird, 19th C.; A pair of Burmese gilt temple carvings of confronting
dragons, 19th C. |